Your Week Ahead Forecast May 1-7

Hello Dear Ones,

With spring well underway, this is a time that we look to simplify, to bring focus to what we are doing, a time to reset and find what truly matters.

Have a blessed week,

Your Week Ahead Forecast May 1-7

Energy of the Week: Six of Cups

Harmony, past associations have brought present relationships. A sense of the past. Happiness that results from past efforts. Pleasant memories and the realization of a dream. Can also indicate new elements entering one’s life which are linked to the past, which will work through the present to create the future.

Focus of the Week: Four of Cups

Time to re-evaluate an all too familiar environment, dissatisfaction and boredom. The need to search for a more stimulating way of life. Apathy, dwelling on past experience. Love that turns to familiarity. Happiness that has reached its peak. Possibly the establishment of a family.

Lesson of the Week: King of Wands

A charming, responsible, loyal, entertaining, witty, honest, conscientious and generous person. A lover of the home and family life. A very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement. When pushed or provoked he acts without hesitation, but can sometimes find this hard as he can often see both sides of an argument.

Aeson Says:

Working off the foundation of your emotions will lead you to love and exploration.

Posted in Week Ahead Tarot.

I learned what my gifts were and how to use them at an early age, then I learned the art of Tarot reading in order to focus more on the question at hand. This gives me the ability to help other people along their path. Reading itself is as natural to me as breathing is to you, a natural ability that I focus on you, and all the areas of your life, so I can answer your specific questions.

So if you have a question, just ask it. I will tell you what I see for you with no ‘sugar coating’ or beating around the bush. I will tell you straight up, with clear answers to your questions. I don’t do any ‘smoke and mirrors,” just plainspoken advice that you need to hear!