Daily Guides for: February 5, 2018


This is an article that I write daily for you; So, that you can use this to empower your daily life. As we move throw this life we all need to work with in our own power to not only change our self but also change the world around us.  To empower our self so that we embrace the power within our self to bring change to our life. I hope these words bring you encouragement in your day.


This first part is the Abraham Hick Quota. Abraham Hick works with the law of attraction. The Wisdom they provide is how to work with the law of attraction that can help you bring thing into your life from just a cup of coffee to a love of your life.

  Abraham-Hicks Quote for Today: There is no end to life experience, for you are an Eternal Being with never-ending opportunities for joyous expansion.

With each new desire that is launched and then allowed to manifest—you will discover yet another platform from which to launch more desire. This process of creation is not about getting the creation finished and finding an end to needed manifestations. It is about the joyous process of expansion. And in the very moment that your intention shifts to a determination to “feel good” rather than a determination of “manifest something,” not only will you become a consistently happy person, but all things wanted will flow easily to you.

It seems a paradox to some—in the beginning—while it is not paradoxical at all: “I want these things because I would feel better in the having of them, but my awareness of their absence prevents me from having them. But if I can find a way of feeling better even without having them, then they can be mine.”

A powerful Universal truth is simply this: you cannot attract the presence of something wanted when predominantly aware of its absence.

— Abraham



Messages from the Angels

This is a message from the angels giving you a message to allow you to focus on a message of light. So that you can build on it and also take this message into mediations and see how you can use these into your life.


Today’s angel is: Maya

Their message: “We strongly recommend that you continue with your education, because the additional information and experience will accelerate the fruition of your life’s purpose. You may worry about having the means to go forward with this schooling, but we assure you that everything will be provided to you along the way.”

“This educational process brings you great rewards. It enriches your understanding of your spiritual power, and accelerates your memory and motivation toward your life’s purpose. We will guide you to teachers, schools, books, funds, schedules, and all of the resources that are plentifully available to you now.”



Positive Affirmation

The final part of the daily guidance is a Positive Affirmation. The use of Affirmation have been used for many years to release thing in your life that we do not need or bring ideas into our reality the thought is to repeat it throws out your day and as you do so that your mind records the thought and replaces other thought that does not help you in your daily life likes fears.


Today’s Positive Affirmation: I release others from all blame

that I assign them.

They only play roles in my life that help me

become more awake and

aware of who I really am.


Have a Bright and Blessed day

Aeson Knight

Posted in Daily Guides.

I learned what my gifts were and how to use them at an early age, then I learned the art of Tarot reading in order to focus more on the question at hand. This gives me the ability to help other people along their path. Reading itself is as natural to me as breathing is to you, a natural ability that I focus on you, and all the areas of your life, so I can answer your specific questions.

So if you have a question, just ask it. I will tell you what I see for you with no ‘sugar coating’ or beating around the bush. I will tell you straight up, with clear answers to your questions. I don’t do any ‘smoke and mirrors,” just plainspoken advice that you need to hear!