This is an article that I write daily for you; So, that you can use this to empower your daily life. As we move throw this life, we all need to work with in our own power to not only change our self but also change the world around us. To empower our self so that we embrace the power within our self to bring change to our life. I hope these words bring you encouragement in your day.
Three card tarots reading for the day
Today energy: of eight of wands,
Meaning: In the film The Ten Commandments, Moses touches his staff to water to set a plague in motion. His staff is the agent of power that initiates events. Moses’ staff reminds me of the wands on this card. They are a symbol of the onset of action and its effects. Before acting, we think, imagine, speculate, talk and dream. This is the realm of air – the sky. Then, finally, we decide to make our move. We bring our ideas down to earth and put them into action.
In readings, the Eight of Wands is often a sign that now is the time to declare yourself. All the elements are ready and will work for you as long as you don’t hesitate. The iron is hot – so strike! If events are in motion, they will proceed rapidly. You may feel caught in a whirlwind, but soon the dust will settle, and you see how your plans have fared.
The Eight of Wands also stands for the arrival of news or information. You may see or hear something important. The news could show up in a disguised form, so stay alert. Pay attention to everything that comes your way for a while.
This card also signifies endings. Sooner or later all activities run their course. The eight wands on this card not only symbolize putting events into motion, but also bringing them to a close. They appear to be ending their flight by coming down to earth. If you see the Eight of Wands in a reading, it may be time to conclude whatever you have been doing. Celebrate the past, but prepare to move on to something new.
Today Lesson: Ace of pentacles
Meaning: The Ace of Pentacles is a symbol of possibility in the area of prosperity, abundance, trust, security, and groundedness. In readings, it shows that a seed of productivity has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a feeling of centeredness, desire for results, or need to focus on practical matters. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter, or synchronistic event.
When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its solid energy could work for you. Now is not the time for fantasy, drama or daring. It is a time to be real and centered. Seek out comfortable, reliable experiences that make you feel secure. Build a foundation of trust in your life both within and without. Your common sense will tell you what to do. Focus also on the natural world to help you stay grounded. Enjoy your body and all the joys of material existence.
The Ace of Pentacles can be a sign that you will be able to make your dreams real. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something tangible. Figure out what will work and make it a reality. You can now attract all the wealth you need to get your projects going. Tap into the material force of the Ace of Pentacles, and all your enterprises will flourish.
Today Emotions: The Chariot
Meaning: Picture Julius Caesar riding his chariot triumphantly into Rome. He has defeated his enemies and conquered vast, new lands. This is the spirit of the Chariot. Card 7 represents the victories that are possible through willpower and self-mastery. A military image is appropriate for the Chariot because this card stands for the strengths associated with combat – discipline, grit, determination, and assertiveness.
The Chariot represents the positive aspects of the ego. A healthy ego is one that is strong and self-assured. It knows what it wants and how to get it. We can get annoyed at someone whose ego is too healthy, but we often turn to that person to lead us through difficult moments. We know he or she won’t be wishy-washy.
In readings, the Chariot often appears when hard control is or could be in evidence. At its best, hard control is not brutal, but firm and direct. It is backed up by a strong will and great confidence. The Chariot can mean self-control or control of the environment. This card also represents victory. There are many types of wins; the Chariot’s is of the win-lose type. Your success comes from beating the competition to become number one. Such moments are glorious in the right circumstances
The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is Cancer, the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary.
Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again. It can also imply, on a more pragmatic level, a trip (usually by car), a vehicle – in the shop for repairs if the card comes up reversed – or a message.
Messages from the Angels
Today’s angel is: Opal
“Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels.”
Additional Message: “Your worries about your children have been received as prayers here in Heaven. We understand your concerns, so we surround the souls and bodies of your children with our loving care. This is a time for you to release your children to God, and know that your Creator is their true parent. God is pure love, without judgment or anger. He could never abandon you or your children-nor would He want to!”
“As one of your children’s guardian angels, I watch over them ceaselessly. I never tire of keeping my watchful eye upon them, for as I gaze upon your children, I see their Divine light. I see their true perfection, their goodness, and their innocence. I ask that you see your children through my eyes, which will help their love and light to be fully expressed. I love you, I love your children, and your children love you!”
Today ascended masters: Avalokitesvara. It is ~ “See the Other Person’s Point of View”.
You have strong emotions about this situation, and you may feel upset, misunderstood, or used. This card comes to you as a pathway to peace by asking you to consider others’ points of view. You don’t need to agree with these other individuals; you’re simply asked to understand their motivations and to have compassion for their feelings. This process can positively shift the energy of power struggles, much like letting go of a rope during a tug-of-war. As you see the other person’s point of view, you open the door for creative solutions to enter.
Additional meanings:
See yourself through the eyes of any person you desire to know or meet.
Let go of defensiveness in your relationships.
Look past the surface personality and see the Divine within others.
Forgive past hurts and start anew.
Avalokitesvara is an Eastern deity who watches over the world and hears all prayers. He’s considered to be the male energy form of Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion. Avalokitesvara has elected to postpone his own ascension into Buddhahood until all of humanity is free. Until then, he’s readily available to anyone who calls upon him for help with spiritual growth concerns.
Have a Magic Day!
Aeson Knight