Alright, let’s get cozy and talk about something a lot of people don’t like to discuss—death. But don’t get all doom and gloom on me, because here’s the truth: just because someone crosses over doesn’t mean they’ve disappeared. No, honey, your loved ones are still very much with you, and they’ve got some creative ways of making sure you know it. Trust me, if you’re paying attention, you’ll see they’re doing everything they can to stay in touch.
So, how do they communicate from the other side? Well, they’re not just floating around sending you cryptic messages. Nope, they get crafty, and once you know what to look for, you’ll realize they’ve been talking to you all along.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
1. Signs and Synchronicities: Spirits’ Way of Saying, Hey, I’m Here!
Okay, let’s talk about signs. I don’t mean the Hollywood version where a ghost writes on the bathroom mirror. I’m talking about those little moments that make you stop and go, “Wait, was that…?” Yes, that was them. Spirits love dropping hints—little winks from the universe that make you smile or feel like they’re standing right next to you.
Here’s what I mean:
- Feathers: You know how people talk about finding feathers? It’s real, y’all. Feathers in unexpected places? That’s a sign. Your loved one is just saying, “Hey, still with you.”
- Numbers: Oh, the numbers! If you’re seeing repeating numbers—like 11:11 or 333—or you keep noticing a birthdate that meant something to you both, they’re talking. Numbers are one of the easiest ways for spirits to nudge you and say, “Pay attention!”
- Animals: Ever notice a butterfly that won’t leave you alone or a bird that shows up every time you’re thinking about them? Yeah, that’s not random. Spirits love using animals to send a quick hello.
- Songs: Here’s a classic—your loved one’s favorite song comes on at the perfect moment, or maybe it’s a song that reminds you of them. It hits right in the feels, doesn’t it? That’s them playing DJ from the other side.
The thing with signs is that you know when it’s happening. You’ll feel it in your gut. So when you get that little nudge, don’t dismiss it. Your loved one is just saying, “Still here, and I’ve got you.”
2. Dreams: The VIP Visit

Now, this one is a biggie—dreams. When your loved one shows up in a dream, it’s not just your brain playing tricks on you. Oh no, darling, that’s a full-on VIP visit. Why? Because when you’re dreaming, your mind is open, you’re relaxed, and it’s the perfect time for them to pop in and say hi.
Here’s how to tell it’s a real visitation dream:
- It feels real: You wake up and it’s like they were right there. Not just a fuzzy memory, but crystal clear. That’s how you know.
- Comfort, not confusion: After these dreams, you don’t feel unsettled or weird. You feel at peace, maybe even a little emotional, but in a good way. They came to reassure you.
- Messages: Sometimes they’re just visiting, but other times they’ve got something to say. Whether it’s telling you they’re okay or giving you guidance, pay attention to what they’re communicating.
If you’ve ever woken up after one of these dreams feeling like you’ve just been hugged by them—well, you probably were.
3. Scents and Sensations: When You Just Know It’s Them
Let’s be real for a second—have you ever walked into a room and caught the scent of someone who’s passed, and no one else could smell it? Yeah, that’s your loved one letting you know they’re around. Smells are a huge way spirits reach out because scent is so closely tied to memory.
Here are some common ways they’ll let you know:
- Perfume or cologne: Suddenly smelling their signature scent? That’s them. It’s like they’re wrapping you in a familiar hug.
- Tobacco smoke: If they smoked, you might catch a whiff of their brand of cigarettes or cigars.
- Cooking smells: If they were known for a specific dish, don’t be surprised if you smell it randomly—even if there’s no one cooking.
And it’s not just smells. Sometimes you’ll feel something—a cool breeze, a warmth, or even a touch on your shoulder. When that happens, pause for a moment. They’re letting you know they’re right there.
4. Moving Things Around: Spirit Shenanigans

Okay, here’s where it gets a little playful. Spirits love to move stuff around—especially things that meant something to them or to you. Ever had your keys go missing only to turn up in a totally random spot? That’s them, playing a little game.
Here’s what they might mess with:
- Keys: They know moving your keys will definitely get your attention. It’s one of their favorite tricks.
- Photos: If a picture of them keeps falling down or ending up in weird places, guess who’s behind that? Yep, your loved one.
- Coins: Ever find a penny or dime in the strangest spot? That’s a classic sign. They’re leaving you a little “hello.”
When this happens, don’t get frustrated—laugh a little. They’re just reminding you they’re still around, and they’ve got a sense of humor.
5. Electronics: Lights, Phones, and All the Glitches
Now, spirits are pros at using electronics to communicate. They love messing with lights, phones, TVs—you name it. Why? Because it’s easy for them to manipulate energy.
Here’s what you might notice:
- Flickering lights: Ever had the lights flicker for no reason? That’s your loved one letting you know they’ve stopped by.
- TV or radio turning on: Yep, they can do that too. Your TV might switch channels or turn on, especially when you’re thinking about them.
- Phone activity: Some people even report receiving strange calls or their phones acting up with no explanation. Spirits know how to get your attention, even through your tech.
Next time your electronics go haywire, take a second and think about who might be behind it. They’re probably waving at you from the other side.
6. That Unmistakable Feeling: When You Know They’re Right There

Here’s where things get deep. One of the most profound ways your loved ones communicate is through that feeling. You know what I’m talking about—the one where you’re going about your day and suddenly, you just know they’re with you. You can’t see them, but you can feel them. That’s no coincidence.
You might notice:
- A sudden calm: Out of nowhere, you feel a wave of peace wash over you. That’s them, comforting you.
- A chill or warmth: You might feel a temperature shift, like a cool breeze or a warm sensation, right when you’re thinking about them.
- Your intuition: You just know. Your gut tells you they’re there, and you’re not imagining it.
When this happens, pause for a moment, take a breath, and acknowledge them. They’re letting you know they’re still watching over you.
Final Thoughts: They’re Always with You
Here’s the thing: just because your loved one has passed on doesn’t mean they’re gone. They’re still with you—guiding, loving, and finding ways to remind you that they haven’t left your side. Whether it’s through a feather on your path, a song on the radio, or that undeniable feeling of their presence, they’re constantly reaching out.
So the next time something makes you stop and wonder, “Was that them?”—yes, it was. Trust me, they’re saying, “I’m still here, and I’m always with you.”
With love and spirit vibes,

This Week’s Schedule:
Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time.
Friday: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, 12:00 AM – 3:30 AM, and 4:30 AM – 6:30 AM
Saturday: 8:00 PM – 3:30 AM and 4:30 AM – 6:30 AM
Sunday: 8:00 PM – 3:30 AM and 4:30 AM – 6:30 AM