Daily Guide for April 20, 2023

Today’s  Tarot card is SIX OF CUPS The Six of Cups also represents innocence – a word with many shades of meaning. You can be innocent in the strictly legal sense of lack of guilt. You can be innocent of the truth – unaware of some secret. You can be lacking in deceit or corruption […]

Daily Guide for April 19, 2023

Today’s  Tarot card is  King of Wands The personality of the King of Wands is a combination of the positive fire energy of the Wands suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is creative and never settles for old, tired approaches. He trusts his originality and allows his inspirations to take form. […]

Daily Guide for April 18, 2023

Today’s  Tarot card is Page of Pentacles The Page of Pentacles shows a young man who stands alone in a field full of freshly blossoming flowers. Behind him in the distance to his right is a grove of lush trees, probably fruit-bearing trees of some sort, and to his left lies a newly furrowed field […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast April 17-23

Energy of the Week: King of Wands A charming, responsible, loyal, entertaining, witty, honest, conscientious and generous person. A lover of the home and family life. A very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement. When pushed or provoked he acts without hesitation, but can sometimes find this hard as […]

Daily Guide for April 17, 2023

Today’s  Tarot card is  FIVE OF PENTACLES The two figures on the Five of Pentacles are cold, hungry, tired, sick and poor. They show us what it feels like to be without – to lack the basic ingredients of life. This is the specter that haunts so many in our world – a reality that […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast April 10-16

Energy of the Week: The High Priestess Intuition, wisdom and secret knowledge, the feminine side of the male personality. Something remains yet to be revealed, but patience must be observed. Duality and mystery. Hidden influences affect both home and work and intuitive insight suggests new solutions. The influence of women. Focus of the Week: Three […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast April 3 – 9

Energy of the Week: King of Wands A charming, responsible, loyal, entertaining, witty, honest, conscientious and generous person. A lover of the home and family life. A very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement. When pushed or provoked he acts without hesitation, but can sometimes find this hard as […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast March 27-April 2

Energy of the Week: The Sun Contentment and happiness on attaining success. Good Health. Material happiness. Mental, physical and spiritual vitality. New inventors or inventions. Academic and particularly scientific success. Reward. Acclaim. Approval. Children. Abundance of energy. Achievement. Joy and happiness. Focus of the Week: Knight of Wands A lover of action, this is the […]

Your Astrological Forecast March 27-April 2

Hello Dear Ones, Well, we made it past the ides of March and we are moving full steam ahead into April by the end of the week! Now, some will be entering April like a lamb, some will tear into it like lions—and I’m not talking about the weather. I’m talking about your attitude, how […]

Is Social Media Killing Your Relationship? You May Not Know That It Is!

While your relationship is far more complex than the makeup, kitchen appliance, or movie you were talking about with a friend last week-and all the advertisements you’ve seen for that since-there is an algorithm for everything, and, as a result, a cause and effect that occurs that will affect your relationship through social media. Ever […]