Your daily energy for April 20, 2022
One way to start to use numerology in your daily life is to know the number of the day. The global number of the day is a single-digit number that is different than the calendar day number. The numbers that mark the passage of time can all reveal portals of energy that we can tap into. What that means is that we can know what days are going to have certain types of energy so we can be prepared and use our energy efficiently
Today number: 3

Its energy: A day of accomplishment. You will find cooperation where you need it in matters of new projects. Problems are quickly ended. This is a good day for meeting people, travel, and fun.
The numerology reading for this number shows that you will get fun from some lively recreational activities on this day. You like to enjoy the small joys that life has to offer on this day. Make the most of it and don’t let worries to overcome you.
It is the perfect day for some fun and enjoyment. You need to be busy, engage in recreational activities. You will be very communicative. You will have to be careful about your conversation with others.
The Personal Day Number in numerology shows that you have to be aware and careful.
Starting each day with this Tarot reading is a terrific way to get psyched for all the possibilities—and avoid possible pitfalls.
Today tarot card: Six of Wands

Today tarot card description: The Six of Wands is the minor arcana counterpart of the Chariot. Both of these cards represent moments of victory and triumph. Sometimes in life, all we want to do is win – to be number one. You can see this dream in the faces of athletes, politicians, and other champions as they step into the winner’s circle. It’s all been worthwhile. I’m the best. I’ve won!
In readings, the Six of Wands appears when you have been working hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you have sought so long is yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor and reward that you deserve. If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen. The victory of this card does not have to involve beating someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds.
The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, check that you are not feeling superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual at all. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. How can we indulge in excess pride?
Astrology Events for Today: Juno enters Pisces

The asteroid of intimacy is exalted in dreamy Pisces, making it an ideal time to enter relationships: romantic, plutonic, or business. Themes of unconditional love and soulmates rule this transit but try not to fall for dreams and ignore the red flags.